
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Magic illusion - something incredible in front of your eyes (2nd)

Rotation of the circle

Staring at the center focus point,
Staring at the center focus point,

Head back and forth, then the internal ring rotates.

While we can not fully understand this piece of fantasy figure, but it is very likely due to the processing of visual contours of a low-level mechanism caused by the special nature. Italian scientists B. Vision

Pina and G. Griffith Gustav discovered this in 1999, rotating circle illusion map.
Shadow motorcycle

Japanese artist,

Spoon, fork and knife combination of the shadow projected a motorcycle.

Photo A: American magician Jerry Andrews invented a "crazy crates." How he can seem so much less vertical support bar in ways not possible to link it? See the next
photos to understand how he accomplished.

Photo B: original, crazy crates from another point of view, so it only shows the true structure
Ke Taka spiral

Looks like a spiral,

But in fact is a series of concentric circles, when you cover half of the image, you will see what?

This is based on the classic Fula Se spiral illusion of a change.
It is the illusion of a general kind of twisted strings. If you want to find out the spiral, you will find that it leads to incorrect fingerprint!
Although conceptually, as you well know this is actually a set of concentric circles.
Perceptual system, but you do not correct the error.

This indicates that the establishment of the outside world in the mind of the image area, and even your intelligence and knowledge does not always overcome your perceived system limitations. When you cover the pattern of the half, the illusion vanished. Because you need to create a vision system on a comprehensive explanation of the whole image is a spiral in order to find the basis.

Ke Taka made a convincing evidence that, whenever, in the same direction when the tilt of the line have been integrated into the illusion of concentric circles, we will see the spiral effect


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