
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Magic illusion - something incredible in front of your eyes (2nd)

Pull the magic mask

Japanese artist Nora mask games dating back to 1192-1333 period,
Rigid facial mask is considered quiet, self-made, as "magical" ability may change expression. When you look, you can see a rigid mask of seriousness, it's facial expressions and compare the next two pictures, you will find that it depends on changes in facial expression facial angle. The shape of the mask certain features highlighted in particular the outline of the mouth, a slight change in perspective will change the relative position of the mouth to the lips. Our visual system to subtle changes in facial features are very sensitive, so to understand the feelings of the different facial features.

Photo A: this piece depicts the etching Julius Warner's 19th century novel "Mysterious Island" in the scene (a scene) Hungarian artists Istvan Aoluo Zi hidden in this picture of the portrait. But need a reflective cylinder to watch. See photos on the next page you'll see a portrait display.

Photo B: When a cube placed on the site reflected the special place etched map, you will see that reflected to the cylinder on the portrait of Julius Warner.

Since Leonardo da Vinci era, artists have repeatedly used the image distortion, however, the Hungarian Istvan Australian artists at the new level of Lords to take an artistic image of the past, the artists will create an image deformation map, it reflected in the corresponding position to the cylinder, but the object itself is a distorted look. Ao Luozi want to panoramas are blurred, but can not from the current cylinder. From the perspective point of view, the deformation map is very interesting, because a significant part of the map are reflected in the cylinder as a portrait and landscape not so important and meaningful part to not be very meaningful, thus ignored. This may be due to the fact that the debate on your facial expressions and facial perception system is very important.

The illusion of bright

In the "cloud" center box and the other black and white box with color brightness is different?
In the middle of the "cloud" of black and white color block brightness and the brightness of the corresponding other is similar. "Fuzzy" may be used to indicate the extreme bright picture clues. This is the Kani Zha spend a change in the brightness illusion.
Each object has a point

Photo A: No measuring instrument, which looks the biggest point of view? An angle that looks minimal? If your line, try clicking arranged in sequence according to the horns.

Photo B: All the angles are the same size?

In the above picture, though incredible, all the angles are 90 degree angle! An angle the image on the retina is very vague, we need to know to the exact depth of its degrees. The direction angle to the judge to impose its great size of the error, depending on the experience of our feet in terms of that particular frequency to the number of times that direction. In the red corner in that direction seems to be larger, green angle seems to be smaller, so we exaggerate the red corner underestimate green.


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